Board of Management
The Board of Management is responsible for the management of UHI Shetland. Board members (directors) include independently appointed directors as well as directors appointed by staff and students. Directors have the duties of both company directors and charity trustees.
Board members also serve on one or more of Board's committees.
Information on how UHI Shetland's directors are appointed may be found below.
Appointment of Board Members
Appointment of Board Members
The appointment of the members of the UHI Shetland Board of Management (directors) is governed by the Articles of Association of Shetland UHI Ltd.
The chair of the Board is appointed following open (public) recruitment managed by the Board's Search and Nominations Committee.
Executive Director
The principal of UHI Shetland.
Independent (Non-Executive) Directors
Independent (non-executive) directors are appointed following open (public) recruitment managed by the Board's Search and Nominations Committee. In addition, two independent directors with specific experience of the fishing and seafood industries may be nominated by relevant industry associations (Seafood Shetland and the Shetland Fishermen's Association).
(A number of members of the former Transition Board were automatically appointed to the Board of Management as independent directors at its first meeting on 15th July 2020.)
Staff Directors
Two staff directors are elected by staff of UHI Shetland: one by teaching (academic) staff and one by non-teaching (support) staff.
Student Directors
Two student directors are appointed: normally the Regional President (or another regional nominee) and the Shetland Local Depute of the Highlands and Islands Students' Association (HISA).