

Various documents relevant to UHI Shetland and its establishment.

UHI Shetland Documents content

UHI Shetland Documents

Merger Business Case content

Merger Business Case

Merger Business Case

The Merger Business Case (MBC) is the formal document that lays out the case for merging the three organisations to create a new institution, and the business (financial) case for the merger.

A formal consultation was carried out from 1st June to 3rd July 2020 to gather views about the proposed merger and the Merger Business Case.

Other Documents content

Other Documents

Other Documents

Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges

The Code of Good Governance for Scotland’s Colleges (pdf) published by the Colleges Development Network codifies principles of good governance and promotes accountability and continuous improvement in how colleges are governed in Scotland.

Guide for Board Members in the College Sector

The Guide for Board Members in the College Sector (pdf) published by the Colleges Development Network provides an overview of the key things members of college boards in Scotland need to know, including the context of the role and its key duties and responsibilities.

Shetland Partnership Plan

The Shetland Partnership Plan identifies a shared vision and priorities to improve the lives of everyone in Shetland and will inform the priorities of the new institute. See also the Shetland Partnership website.

Shetland Islands Council: Our Ambition 2021-26

Our Ambition 2021-26 is the Shetland Islands Council's corporate plan, providing strategic political direction to help the Council focus on the things that can help most to create opportunities and achieve long-term sustainability for Shetland (incluidng tertiary education, research and training).

University of the Highlands and Islands: Islands Strategy 2020

The University of the Highlands and Islands Islands Strategy 2020 (pdf) articulate how the University will work with partners to extend and strengthen its activities across Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles.

Scottish Government: National Plan for Scotland's Islands

The Scottish Government's National Islands Plan provides a framework for action in order to meaningfully improve outcomes for island communities.