Q4 Extra S&N 190624


Extraordinary Search and Nominations Committee

19 June 2024

# Subject Paper Download Paper
  AGENDA   Agenda
1 Welcome, Apologies & Announcements Verbal  
2 Terms of Reference Paper Download
3 Declarations of Interest Verbal   
4 Minutes of Previous Meetings Paper  Download
5 Matters Arising Verbal  
6 Articles of Association Verbal  
  2023-24 Independent Director Recruitment    
7 Seafood Shetland Nomination Update Verbal  
8 Independent Director Recruitment CONFIDENTIAL  
  Staff Directors    
9 2024 Staff Director Elections Update CONFIDENTIAL  
  Appointment to Roles of the Board of Management    
10 Roles currently vacant Paper RESTRICTED
11 Roles expected to be vacated in 2024 Paper RESTRICTED
  Committee Assignments    
12 Skills Audit CONFIDENTIAL  
13 Committee Assignations CONFIDENTIAL  
  Final Matters    
13 AOB & Date of next meeting   28th August 2024