Shetland Green Skills


Who we are

Shetland Green Skills is a collaborative planning table that was established to further our understanding of skills issues across Shetland, from education to industry. Our aim is to develop an effective and timely response to ensure a skilled workforce and appropriate training provisions are in place to address challenges and capitalise on opportunities that will arise as Shetland progresses its net zero ambitions.

Sumburgh light house
Lerwick harbour

Our Objectives

  • To act as a catalyst to ensure a co-ordinated and evidence-based approach to addressing current and emerging skills issues related to green jobs in Shetland.
  • To gather relevant data and analysis on the skills and training provision required to respond to the climate emergency, and where appropriate commission research/analysis that helps inform the work of SGS and partners.
  • To develop short, medium, and long-term action plans to support organisations and the Shetland workforce to respond to emerging opportunities.
  • To inform and influence Shetland’s education and skills provision to ensure an escalator of career pathways are in place through the school curriculum, apprenticeship programmes, Further/Higher Education and micro-credential short courses to ensure the development of a sustained, multi-skilled workforce.
  • To identify and develop partnership opportunities to help address Shetland’s skills/training requirements and the development of future careers and occupations.
  • To support Shetland’s partnership work on talent attraction, retention and recruitment.
  • To facilitate regular communication and engagement across the enterprise and skills networks in Shetland to raise awareness of SGS activities and wider skills support.

View our terms of reference


Contact Shetland Green Skills

Emma McCarthy, Secretariat

01595 771224