Environmental Assessments


Mussels and anemones

Shetland UHI is highly respected for services in environmental assessments. We are world leaders in regional marine planning which we have worked on since 2006. Our Marine Spatial Planning team have hands on knowledge and experience with conducting: Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA), Habitats Regulations Appraisals (HRA), and Seascape Character Assessments.

In addition to EIA, SEA, HRA, and Seascape Character Assessments, we can provide the following services:

  • Screening and Scoping for your marine project
  • Environmental Statement (ES) specific chapters or full project management
  • Monitoring and mitigation advice
  • Advising on, designing, coordinating, and undertaking marine surveys and assessments
  • Biotope mapping and coding
  • Drop Down Video and Photo Analysis
  • Species Identification