- Search courses
- Access to Education - New DirectionsAccessPTFT
- Access to Nursing and Social Services (Incorporating SWAP) (SCQF Level 6)NCPTFT
- Applied MusicBA (Hons)PTFT
- Applied Software DevelopmentBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Aquaculture Management (SCQF level 9)SVQPTFT
- Aquaculture ProductionSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Aquaculture Production - DiplomaSCQF Level 7PTFT
- Aquaculture Production - Modern ApprenticeSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Aquaculture Production - Modern Apprentice DiplomaSCQF Level 7PTFT
- Archaeological ScienceBSc (Hons)PTFT
- ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and Local Studies (SCQF Level 7)CPD AwardPTFT
- Archaeology and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Archaeology with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Art and Design Portfolio CourseNCPTFT
- Art and Social PracticeMAPTFT
- AutoCAD : An Introduction (SCQF Level 5) PTFT
- Built Environment (SCQF Level 5)Academy ProgrammePTFT
- Business and Administration (SCQF Level 5)SVQPTFT
- Business and Administration (SCQF Level 6)SVQPTFT
- Business and Administration (SCQF level 8)SVQPTFT
- Business and ManagementBA (Hons)PTFT
- Business Management (Graduate Apprenticeship)BA (Hons)PTFT
- Cadet Access CourseSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Carpentry and JoineryPDAPTFT
- Carpentry and JoinerySCQF Level 6PTFT
- Carpentry and Joinery SCQF Level 6SVQPTFT
- Child and Youth StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Child and Youth Studies with Community Learning and DevelopmentBA (Hons)PTFT
- Childhood PracticeBA (Hons)PTFT
- Childhood PracticeHNCPTFT
- Childhood Practice (SCQF Level 6)NCPTFT
- Childhood Practice (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- CommunicationNC Level 6PTFT
- CommunicationSCQF Level 4/5PTFT
- Computer ScienceHNDPTFT
- ComputingBSc (Hons)PTFT
- ComputingHNCPTFT
- Construction Crafts (National 4) PTFT
- Construction ManagementHNCPTFT
- Contemporary Art Skills (Level 6)Vocational PathwaysPTFT
- Contemporary Film Making in the Highlands and IslandsBA (Hons)PTFT
- COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills (SCQF level 8)CPD AwardPTFT
- CounsellingHNCPTFT
- CounsellingHNDPTFT
- Counselling - Introduction PTFT
- Creative Industries: FilmNCPTFT
- Creative Industries: MusicNCPTFT
- Creative Writing in the Highlands and IslandsBA (Hons)PTFT
- CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Criminology (SCQF Level 6) - Study from AnywhereNPAPTFT
- Criminology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture and HeritageBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Culture, Heritage with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Deck Officer Class 1 Certificate of Competency (Fishing Vessel) Written Exam Preparation Course PTFT
- Deck Officer Class 2 Certificate of Competency (Fishing Vessel) Written Exam Preparation Course including MCA Signals PTFT
- Deck Officer of the Watch (OOW) less than 500GT near-coastal Written Exam Preparation Course including MCA Signals PTFT
- Digital DesignAcademy ProgrammePTFT
- Digital Design and Web DevelopmentHNCPTFT
- Early Education and Childcare (National 4) PTFT
- Early Learning and Childcare (Graduate Apprenticeship)BAPTFT
- Early Learning and Childcare (top up one-year honours)BA (Hons)PTFT
- Employability SkillsSCQF Level 5PTFT
- Engineering (SCQF Level 5)Academy ProgrammePTFT
- Engineering Practice (SCQF Level 5)NCPTFT
- English - Alternative to HigherSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Fine ArtBA (Hons)PTFT
- Foundation Apprenticeship in Business Skills (SCQF Level 6)National 6PTFT
- Foundation Apprenticeship in Social Services and HealthcareSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Foundation Apprenticeship: Social Services: Children and Young PeopleSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Games Development and Hardware Technologies (SCQF Level 5)Academy ProgrammePTFT
- General Studies (SCQF Level 5)NQPTFT
- HairdressingNQPTFT
- Hairdressing (SCQF Level 5)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Hairdressing (SCQF Level 6)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Health & Social Care Skills AcademySCQF Level 5PTFT
- Health and Social Care SupervisionPDAPTFT
- Health and Social StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Healthcare Support (Clinical) (SCQF level 6)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Healthcare Support (Clinical) (SCQF level 7)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Healthcare Support (Non-Clinical) (SCQF level 7)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- Highlands and Islands LiteratureMLittPTFT
- HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- History of Shetland in 100 Sites (SCQF Level 7)SCQF Level 7PTFT
- History with Gaelic StudiesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Hospitality OperationsNCPTFT
- Individual Highers ProgrammeSCQF Level 6PTFT
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)SCQF Level 4/5PTFT
- Information Technology in BusinessPDAPTFT
- Interactive MediaBSc (Hons)PTFT
- Interactive Media and ComputingNQPTFT
- Introduction to a Career in Social CareCertificatePTFT
- Island StudiesMLittPTFT
- Leading and Managing Care Services (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature 1SCQF Level 6PTFT
- Literature and Creative WritingBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Literature and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Management (SCQF Level 7)SVQPTFT
- Management AccountingPDAPTFT
- Managing HeritageCollege CertificatePTFT
- Mental Health and Wellbeing PTFT
- Music and the EnvironmentMAPTFT
- Nautical ScienceHNCPTFT
- NumeracySCQF Level 4/5PTFT
- PDA in Education Support AssistancePDAPTFT
- PhilosophyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and HistoryBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and LiteratureBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and SociologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsBA (Hons)PTFT
- PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and ArchaeologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Politics and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Primary (English Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Professional CookeryNPAPTFT
- Professional Cookery (SCQF Level 5)SVQPTFT
- Professional Cookery (SCQF Level 6)NCPTFT
- Professional Cookery (SCQF Level 6)SVQPTFT
- Project SearchSCQF Level 3PTFT
- PsychologyBSc (Hons)PTFT
- PsychologyHigherPTFT
- Scottish HeritageMLittPTFT
- Secondary (English Medium)PGDEPTFT
- Shetland’s Archaeological Monuments and LandscapesCollege CertificatePTFT
- Shipping & Maritime Operations: An IntroductionNCPTFT
- Social SciencesBA (Hons)PTFT
- Social SciencesHNCPTFT
- Social Sciences Level 5NCPTFT
- Social Sciences Level 6NCPTFT
- Social ServicesHNCPTFT
- Social Services (Children & Young People)NPAPTFT
- Social Services (Children and Young People) (SCQF level 9)SVQPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF Level 6)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF Level 6)NPAPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF Level 6)SVQPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF Level 7 / 9)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF Level 7 / 9)SVQPTFT
- Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF level 9)SVQPTFT
- Social Services: Children and Young People (SCQF Level 7 / 9)Modern ApprenticeshipPTFT
- Social Services: Children and Young People (SCQF Level 7 / 9)SVQPTFT
- Social Work - Access to ApplySCQF Level 6PTFT
- Sociology and CriminologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology and PoliticsBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sociology and TheologyBA (Hons)PTFT
- Sound Engineering (National 4)Vocational PathwaysPTFT
- Sustainable Aquaculture Management (SCQF level 8)CPD AwardPTFT
- Sustainable Marine Environmental Management (SCQF level 8)CPD AwardPTFT
- Teaching Qualification Further EducationPgCertPTFT
- Teaching Qualification Further Education (SCQF level 9)CPD AwardPTFT
- Viking StudiesMLittPTFT
- Workplace Assessment Using Direct and Indirect MethodsPDAPTFT