Shipping & Maritime Operations: An Introduction NC

What is special about this course?

This course provides a foundation level of technical competencies and knowledge for anyone wishing to progress into the maritime industry. It is aimed at students looking to join an HND cadet programme, or equivalent, or those looking to learn more about the maritime industry while gaining essential seafaring knowledge. 

Entry requirements

Learners would benefit from having attained the skills, knowledge and understanding required in achieving four National 5s in:

  • Maths
  • English
  • Physics/ Engineering Science
  • One other subject

What's involved?

This full-time course covers a range of subjects such as:

+ Shipboard Operations: An Introduction

+ Maritime Industry: An Introduction

+ Communication

+ Computing: Office and Personal Productivity Applications

+ Mathematics for the Maritime Industry — Engineering Officer & Deck Officer

+ Nautical Science: An Introduction

+ Chartwork and Tides: An Introduction

+ Bridge Operations: An Introduction

+ Transverse Stability of Ships

+ Naval Architecture: An Introduction

+ Marine Electro-technology: An Introduction

+ Marine Thermodynamics

+ Marine Mechanics: An Introduction

+ Marine Engineering Practice

+ Electrical Principles

How will I study my course?

  • Full Time

Face to face

How long will my course last?

1 Year

Where can I study my course?

Start date

August 2024


For the latest information on fees please see our fees policy.

What can I do on completion of my course?

Successful candidates will meet the academic standards required to enter an HND Deck or Engineering cadetship. Candidates should be aware that there are other non-academic requirements for entry to a cadetship.

Is there more information available online?

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Apply for Shipping & Maritime Operations: An Introduction NC

I want to start in 2025/26

We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at UHI Shetland. UHI Shetland operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.