Students and Colleges Agree the Way Forward
A Local Student Partnership Agreement for 2018-19 has been signed by Highlands and Islands Student Association, the Chair of NAFC Board of Trustees and the Chair of the Shetland College Board.
Sorcha Kirker, Vice President of the Highlands and Islands Student Association representing the NAFC and Shetland College student voice was joined by David Sandison, Chair of NAFC Board of Trustees and Peter Campbell, Chair of Shetland Collage Board in August to sign the agreement.
The University of the Highlands and Islands was the first university in Scotland to launch a Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) in 2016-17. The SPA was developed in light of recommendations in the Scottish Government's Post-16 Education Green Paper and sets out how students and staff can work together to improve the student experience.
HISA Local Student Officers work on Local Partnership Agreements (LPAs) at each academic partner throughout the year. The agreement focusses on Student Partnership and Engagement with the following at it's core:
- Formal student representation
- Student engagement in the life of the college
- Highlands and Islands Student Association
Partnership Working is also important in the agreement. The following issues were identified to work on together over the coming year:
- Transport
- Student Spaces
- Student Activities