Marine Renewables in Shetland


wave energy device


Shetland has significant marine renewable potential, and Shetland UHI has developed guidance documents to help inform siting, one helping to inform wave and tidal resource and one to guide the placement of marine renewable development.

The marine resource assessment can be downloaded here:

Regional Locational Guidance for Wave and Tidal Energy Developments Around Shetland

A spatial model has been created mapping potential areas of lowest constraint for wave and tidal energy developments in the planning regime for the waters around Shetland. The model outputs have been used to produce guidance which aims to integrate environmental, cultural, socio-economic considerations into the site selection process for wave and tidal energy devices and their associated infrastructure (for example, cable landing points).

The model reflects a process of consultation on constraints with local advisors, planners, regulators, communities and developers. It is designed as a decision support tool to assist in making more informed decisions about where developments are likely to be successful and where they are not.

The regional locational guidance report can be downloaded here:

Download the Regional Locational Guidance methodology and GIS layers content

Download the Regional Locational Guidance methodology and GIS layers

Download the Regional Locational Guidance methodology and GIS layers

Regional Locational Guidance for Wave and Tidal Energy in the Shetland Islands (provides more details of the modelling methodology) (pdf)

The model output data are also available in GIS format by contacting the Marine Spatial Planning team on 01595 772000 or email

Marine Renewables in the context of Marine Spatial Planning content

Marine Renewables in the context of Marine Spatial Planning

Marine Renewables in the context of Marine Spatial Planning

This guidance forms part of the Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan (SIRMP), which assits in guiding the siting of marine developments in Shetland. The Plan contains spatial data on the marine and coastal environment and its uses, in addition to establishing an overarching policy framework. The spatial extent of the plan includes all territorial waters seaward of mean high water springs, out to 12 nautical miles, but also includes onshore habitats / ecological processes that are clearly affected by marine developments, such as cable landing sites.

Further Information and Consultancy content

Further Information and Consultancy

Further Information and Consultancy

The Scottish Government have developed a range of guidance to support the marine renewable energy sector which can be downloaded here:

Shetland UHI offers a range of consultancy services to the marine renewables sector. Follow the button at the bottom of this page to find out more.


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Marine Spatial Planning Section
Shetland UHI Scalloway Campus
Port Arthur