Fisheries Management in the context of Shared Seas


Fishing areas around Scotland

Fisheries Management in the Context of Shared Seas-Report content

Fisheries Management in the Context of Shared Seas-Report

Fisheries Management in the Context of Shared Seas-Report

Key management considerations highlighted by the report and subsequent guidance documents are the need for early engagement, by both fishers and managers, adequate data and information on marine use, including any time limited considerations, such as seasonal fisheries, or specific times of year when species may need additional protection (including spawning times).

The findings of the report show that effective communication and understanding between all sectors early in a project can help to ensure effective management of the seas around Scotland and bring maximum benefit to our communities. This included examining the data (and its limitations), information, and management measures and methods, which have been successfully used to underpin management measures.

 Download the full report below:

Guidance for Fishers content

Guidance for Fishers

Guidance for Fishers

‘Understanding and Influencing the Marine Management and Development Process – B’ is a guide aimed at fishermen and explains how information on fishing activity can be used, and where in the development process it should be provided.

Download the guidance document below:

FIS Guidance Fisherman

Guidance for Decision Makers and Developers content

Guidance for Decision Makers and Developers

Guidance for Decision Makers and Developers

‘Scotland's Fishing Industry- Guidance for Decision Makers and Developers’ is aimed at developers and provides a description of fishing practices, and is designed to promote a better understanding of how developments might impact on fishing, and how to engage with the fishing industry.

Download the guidance document below:

How will they be used in the a Marine spatial Planning Context? content

How will they be used in the a Marine spatial Planning Context?

How will they be used in the a Marine spatial Planning Context?

There is increasing legislative and policy emphasis on the importance of effective management of the marine environment as a shared resource, with aspirations to maximise environmental, economic, and social benefits, also termed the ecosystem approach to management. As extensive and long-term users of the marine environment, fisheries and the integration of fisheries management into a wider marine management system, play a major role in achieving these objectives as well as helping to ensure the long-term sustainability and existence of the sector. There are many examples of managing fisheries interactions within the UK and globally. Many of these are related to a single interaction. Many Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been shown to have a positive effect on fisheries when the MPAs have been integrated within fisheries management measures outside of the MPA area.

It is hoped that these documents, which are designed to be clear and concise, will help to support better marine management, give fishermen a stronger voice in management decisions and ensure all parties understand where fisheries can be included in management decisions.


This project was funded by Fisheries Innovation Scotland (FIS), project FIS014. The project was led by MST Department at Shetland UHI with support from Marine Scotland Science and Scottish Fishermen’s Federation.

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