Marine Renewables Publications
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Shetland Marine Resource Assessment:
Locational Guidance Documents:
- Regional Locational Guidance for Wave and Tidal Energy in the Shetland Islands (pdf)
- Regional Locational Guidance for Wave and Tidal Energy in the Shetland Islands (provides more details of the modelling methodology) (pdf)
Peer-reviewed Publications:
- Withouck, I., Tett, P., Doran, J., Mouat, B., & Shucksmith, R. (2023). Diving into a just transition: How are fisheries considered during the emergence of renewable energy production in Scottish waters? Energy Research & Social Science, 101, 103135.
Tweddle J. F., Gray L., Kelly C., and Shucksmith R. (2014); Developing Regional Locational Guidance for wave and tidal energy in the Shetland Islands. Marine Policy 50: 53-66.
Policy Briefs:
Withouck, I. (2023). Just transition to net zero: creating a transition process that fully accounts for social justice. ed. by Allan, K. UHI Shetland Policy Brief.
Book Chapters:
- Withouck, I., Tett, P., Doran, J., Mouat, B., & Shucksmith, R. (2024). A value tree approach to integrate policy and legislation into spatial decision support tools for siting offshore renewables. In Governing Oceans (pp. 78-99). Edward Elgar Publishing.