Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan


Aerial view of Scalloway


The aim of the Shetland Islands Regional Marine Plan (SIRMP) is to manage the marine environment in Shetland in a sustainable way to have clean, healthy, safe, productive and diverse seas, managed to meet the long-term needs of nature and the people.

The SIRMP is a policy and data framework which aims to provide clear guidance and evidence to support a wide range of marine decisions throughout Shetland. The SIRMP was created by the Shetland Marine Planning Partnership (Shetland UHI and Shetland Islands Council) with the support of an Advisory Group.

The Marine Spatial Planning Team have led the development of marine spatial planning in Shetland using scientific data to underpin its policies, recognising the equal value of economic, environmental, and social factors in maintaining a healthy marine environment.

To stay up-to-date with the work of the Shetland Marine Planning Partnership, download our Newsletters

How Marine Planning Benefits Shetland content

How Marine Planning Benefits Shetland

How Marine Planning Benefits Shetland

Marine planning aims to protect species and habitats whilst creating opportunities for economic growth and safeguarding community interests. Some Shetland examples can be found below:

Shetland Marine Planning Partnership and Advisory Group content

Shetland Marine Planning Partnership and Advisory Group

Shetland Marine Planning Partnership and Advisory Group

The partnership consists of Shetland UHI and Shetland Islands Council. The development of the SIRMP is guided by an Advisory Group. The Terms of reference and Advisory Group Membership, minutes and agendas can be downloaded here:

Advisory group meeting agendas

Advisory group meeting minutes

The Shetland Ministerial Direction and our Statement of Public Participation is available here:

SIRMP Supporting Assessments content History of Marine Spatial Planning in Shetland content

History of Marine Spatial Planning in Shetland

History of Marine Spatial Planning in Shetland

Marine plans were first developed in Shetland nearly 20 years ago. Find out more about the history and development of Shetland's marine planning on our History webpages.

NAFC Marine UHI building from the sea


Shetland UHI would like to acknowledge the financial support of Marine Scotland and the Shetland Islands Council in developing regional marine planning in the Shetland Islands.

Related Links:

NAFC Marine UHI building from the sea Staff
Little motor boats in harbour Shetland Marine Planning Partnership Newsletters
Contact Us content

Contact Us

Marine Spatial Planning Section
UHI Shetland Scalloway Campus
Port Arthur