Non-Native Species Monitoring


Seaweed and blue nylon rope



The Marine Spatial Planning Team at Shetland UHI carry out regular monitoring surveys for non-native species visiting marinas and aquaculture sites around Shetland. We take a look over the side and see what is attached to the infrastructure of the piers and marines and any buoys and ropes. We sometimes 'scrape', using a long pole with a net attached to reach into the water and see what is living deeper. We also have an underwater camera on a long pole to help us view what is out of reach.

Settlement Panels

Black plastic settlement panels are hung from marine structures (such as marina pontoons, fish cages, and piers) and left for around 6 months. After this time, we collect the panels and identify the creatures growing on them. This can give an 'early warning' of the arrival of non-native species into an area.

Watch the video below to see the team making, deploying and examining the panels:


Aquaculture companies wishing to benefit from the early warning monitoring system for introduced species at their sites can contact the Marine Spatial Planning Team on

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Marine Spatial Planning Section
UHI Shetland Scalloway Campus
Port Arthur