Sullom Voe Master Plan


Yell ferry



Vessel throughput at Sullom Voe Terminal is changing, and the Shetland Islands Council are considering appropriate future use of Sullom Voe Harbour, an area which includes Sullom Voe and Yell Sound. The Shetland Islands Council has engaged the Marine Spatial Planning Team at Shetland UHI to help create a Master Plan for the Sullom Voe Harbour area.

To view the extent of the Sullom Voe Harbour Area, download the map below:

In line with Shetland Council policy to support community consultation and involvement in decision making, the Master Plan will be created based on input from local people and stakeholders such as the oil and gas, aquaculture and fishing sectors.

What is a Master Plan?

A master plan, in this context, is an overarching plan which guides development within a defined area. The Shetland Islands Council will use it as statutory guidance to direct planning and leasing decisions in the area. The Master Plan will provide useful guidance for developers and will reflect the desires of the local community.

A timetable for the Master Plan can be found on our statement of public participation.

How does this fit with other things happening in the area?

The Shetlans Islands Council have applied for the Sullom Voe Harbour area to be a part of the Crown Estate Scotland Pilot Scheme.

Sullom Voe Master Plan Documents

The Sullom Voe Master Plan was subject to public consultation in 2021. The Master Plan documents can be viewed here:

Other Relevant Documents

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Please email or phone 01595 772000. You can also write to us at the following address:

Marine Spatial Planning Team
Shetland UHI Scalloway Campus
Port Arthur