
The Potential Value to the UK Fishing Fleet of Larger Shares of the Landings from the UK EEZ content

The Potential Value to the UK Fishing Fleet of Larger Shares of the Landings from the UK EEZ

30th April 2018

EEZ report cover

This analysis has been carried out at the request of the Shetland Fishermen’s Association (SFA) to provide estimates of the potential values to the UK fishing fleet
of larger shares of the fish and shellfish currently caught within the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

This complements previous reports on landings by EU fishing boats from the UK EEZ and by UK boats from other areas of the EU EEZ.

Download the Report

The Potential Value to the UK Fishing Fleet of Larger Shares of the Landings from the UK EEZ (pdf)


An analysis of available data has been carried out to provide estimates of the potential value to the UK fishing fleet of larger shares of the fish and shellfish currently landed from the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone (UK EEZ).

The results of the analysis indicate that:

  • UK fishing boats caught just over one-third (36%) of all the fish and shellfish landed from the UK EEZ in 2016, with a value of about £815 million (49% of the
  • UK fishing boats caught a further £112 million worth of fish and shellfish from other areas of the EU EEZ.
  • If UK fishing boats could catch half of the principal species landed from the UK EEZ the total value of their landings would increase to about £1,000 million (a
    23% increase from 2016). A 75% share would be worth about £1,300 million (a 60% increase).
  • In a worst case scenario, with a complete loss of UK boats’ access to the EU EEZ, a 50% share of the catch from the UK EEZ would result in a net 9% increase
    in the value of their landings, and a 75% share would result in a net 47% increase.
  • The pelagic and demersal shellfish sectors would gain the most from an increased share of the catch from the UK EEZ. The industrial sector could see
    very large increases but the overall potential values would remain relatively small. The shellfish sector probably has the least to gain since it already enjoys
    a large share of the catch from the UK EEZ, and could experience a small net loss if it loses access to other EU waters.

More detailed breakdowns of these results for species groups and for individual species are included in the report.


Please direct enquiries to Dr Ian Napier.