Rural Skills


Skills for Work Rural Skills provides a range of practical skills and basic knowledge relating to animals, land and the environment. The course runs over two years and is practical: most of your time will be spent at the croft and on related tasks.

When you complete the course you will be awarded a Skills for Work – Rural Skills award which is SQA accredited at SCQF Level 4.


Course Summary content

Course Summary

Course Summary

This course is designed to give you a range of practical skills and to learn about jobs and industries in the land based sector. The course includes units introducing:

  • Land-based Industries
  • Estate Maintenance
  • Employability Skills
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Animal Handling

Assessment in this course will be based on a range of practical activities carried out in a crofting environment and a portfolio of evidence which will be produced during the course.

The course provides:

  • an introduction to the land-based sector
  • opportunities to work with others
  • experience of outdoor working
  • opportunities to work with animals and plants
  • awareness of health and safety
  • practical skills and knowledge
  • preparation for employment
Progression content



Progression options when you have finished school may be qualifications in land-based industries e.g. modern apprenticeship in agriculture.

Information for Applicants content

Information for Applicants

Information for Applicants

Course Time: Alternate Fridays over two years, 8.55am-2.00pm

For: S3 and S4 pupils