With so much competition for jobs in all sectors of industry, it is good to develop new skills and gain marketable qualifications while you work. The main feature of apprenticeship training is that you must be employed and your employer must support your training in the workplace.
You will earn and learn at the same time. Although the initial wages can often be quite low, this is because you are just starting out and need time to be effective in your job. As you progress through your training, your wages are likely to increase, with your fully qualified rate matching the adult wage rate for your sector.
Many of our Modern Apprentice programmes require attendance at UHI Shetland. For some disciplines, you must attend other Scottish colleges such as Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Travel and lodging costs for attending mainland colleges are met by us.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has developed an online module to inform people about what it means to be an Apprentice. According to SDS in their newsletter to providers of October 2022, "The content includes an insight into the experiences of individuals on an apprenticeship journey, including the application process, interview, apprenticeship learning and assessment, and working on the job."
You can access this through the My World of Work website in the apprenticeships section of the teachers resources area.
View our full Vocational Training Guide for 2023 here. The guide will take you through our full range of vocational training opportunities and provides contact details for vocational training coordinators who are involved in different subject areas.
UHI Shetland Vocational Team - Contact Details:
John Goodlad Centre, Port Arthur, Scalloway, ZE1 0UN.
Our main contact phone number and email address remain the same below, Vocational Training Co-ordinators are also still available on their usual phone number and email addresses.
Telephone: 01595 771210