Habitats and Species Publications
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Peer-reviewed Publications
Peer-reviewed Publications
- Riley, T. G., Mouat, B. & Shucksmith, R. (2024). Real world data for real world problems: Importance of data resolution appropriate modelling to inform decision makers in marine management. Ecological Modelling, 498, 110864 [Special Issue].
- Hague, E. L., McCaffrey, N., Shucksmith, R., & McWhinnie, L. (2022). Predation in the anthropocene: harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) utilising aquaculture infrastructure as refuge to evade foraging killer whales (Orcinus orca). Aquatic Mammals, 48(4), 380-393.
- Shucksmith, R. J. (2015). Mass occurrence of Salpa fusiformis and records of the rare salps Cyclosalpa bakerii and Thetys vagina from northern Scotland. Marine Biodiversity Records, 8, e133.
- Shelmerdine R. L., Stone D., Leslie B., and Robinson M. (2014); Implications of defining fisheries closed areas based on predicted habitats in Shetland: a proactive and precautionary approach. Marine Policy 43:184-199.
Policy Briefs
Policy Briefs
Riley, T. G., & Shucksmith, R. (2024). Towards Net Zero: The role of marine habitats. ed. by Allan, K. UHI Shetland Policy Brief.
- Riley, T. G. (2024). Fair Isle Benthic Survey 2024 – Cruise Report. UHI Shetland report. P10.
- Riley, T. G., Shucksmith, R., & Mouat, B. (2024). Distribution modelling of the benthic habitats within the Fair Isle Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area. UHI Shetland report. p36.
- Riley, T. G., Shucksmith, R., & Mouat, B. (2024). Distribution modelling of the Shetland Islands benthic habitats. UHI Shetland report. p91.
- Shucksmith, R., Shelmerdine, R. L., & Shucksmith, R. (2021). Biological analyses of seabed imagery from within and around Marine Protected Areas in Orkney, Shetland, Inner Sound, and Islay and Jura in 2019. (2ed.) Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science. 532 p.
- Shelmerdine, R. L., & Shucksmith, R. (2021). Shetland 2021 drop-down video (DDV) survey exploring the occurrence of flapper skate eggs and horse mussels (Modiolus modiolus): preliminary results. NAFC Marine Centre report. 41 pp.
- Shelmerdine R. L. and Mouat B. (2021); Mapping fisheries and habitats in the North and East Coast RIFG area. NAFC Marine Centre report, 69 pp.
- Fraser, S., Shelmerdine, R. L., and Mouat, B. (2018); Razor clam biology, ecology, stock assessment, and exploitation: a review of Ensis spp. in Wales. NAFC Marine Centre report for the Welsh Government. Contract number C243/2012/2013, 62 pp.
- Shelmerdine R. L. and Mouat B. (2018); Mapping features to the southeast of the Papa Stour SAC. NAFC Marine Centre report, 45 pp.
- Shelmerdine R. L., Cowing A. L.., and Shucksmith R. J. (2017); Head of Lera Voe. LNCS extended site statement. NAFC Marine Centre report for Shetland Islands Council, 8 pp.
- Shelmerdine R. L. and Shucksmith R. (2015); Understanding the effect of scale and resolution on predictive habitat maps. ICES Annual Science Conference ICES CM 2015/N:10.
- Shelmerdine R. L., Robinson M., Johnson A., Leslie B., Stone D., and Tait L. (2013); Assessment of the appropriateness of areas closed to protect priority marine features from scallop dredging around Shetland. NAFC Marine Centre Report, 166 pp.
- Shelmerdine R. L. and Leslie B. (2009); Restocking of the native oyster, Ostrea edulis, in Shetland: habitat identification study. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 396.
Identification Guides
Invasive Species and Biosecurity Publications
The Marine Spatial Planning Team at UHI Shetland monitor and research the occurrence of introduced marine species (also known as non-native species) in Shetland. This supports the Biosecurity Plan for the Shetland Islands.
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